阎明1,纪海峰1,李显春1,白胜喜2 (1.黑龙江瘩电力科学研究院,黑龙江哈尔滨150030;2 唔尔滨电力学枝,黑龙汪唔尔痪150030) 摘要:阐述丁黑龙江省大型火力发电厂支吊架的运行情况,以及在生产运行中存在的主要问题,分析丁支 吊架失散对整个支吊架系统的影响,并提出了相应解决措施。 关键词:支吊架;系统;载荷 中圈分类号:TK284 1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002—1663(2OO2)O2—0141—02 Problems with Pipeline Support and Suspension Systems at Thermal Power Plants and Proposed Solutions YAN Ming1 ,JI Hal-feng1, LI Xian-chun 1,BAI Sheng-xi2 (1 Heilongjiang Electric Power Science Research Institute,Harbin 150030,China 2 Harbin EIctric Power School.Harbin 150030,China) Abstract:Summarizes the performance of support and suspension systems at large thermal power plants in Heilongjiang,identifies major problems experienced during production operations,analyses the efect of failed suppor and suspension brackets 0n the whole suppor and suspension system,and suggests possible solutions for the problems as appropriate. Key words:support and suspension brackets;system;load
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