合作解决CAESARII4.5 BUG 2005年5月26日公司程序员发现AutoPSA转换到CAESARII4.5时,CAESARII在某些三通点出现BUG,迅即通知Coade公司。该公司斯特瑞柯夫斯基工程师在两天内解决了此问题,并发来补丁。此次合作,为广大客户更快地无缝部署AutoPSA/CAESARII创造了条件。以下是来往邮件。 Here is the updated C2 Interface Conversion executable file attached IECHO.EXE. I renamed it to ABC extension so the email server lets it through. Change the extension back to EXE and copy this file into your C2 executable directory, overwriting an existing file. Then you can try to perform the Neutral File Conversion again – it should read all the values for tees… Regards, Nadia Strikovski Engineer/Developer (email) nadia@coade.com COADE, Inc. 12777 Jones Rd., St.480 Houston, TX 77070 (ph) 281-890-4566 (fax) 281-890-3301 (web) http://www.coade.com -----Original Message----- From: Nadia Strikovski Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 12:10 PM To: \'uesoft@163.com\' Subject: RE: The bug of CAESARII4.5 Kuang Zhufang, Thank you for reporting this. We will look into the problem and contact you back when we find a solution. Currently, you can add those missing values manually. Sorry for inconvenience. Regards, Nadia Strikovski Engineer/Developer (email) nadia@coade.com COADE, Inc. 12777 Jones Rd., St.480 Houston, TX 77070 (ph) 281-890-4566 (fax) 281-890-3301 (web) http://www.coade.com From: uesoft [mailto:uesoft@163.com] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:31 AM To: Loren Brown Subject: The bug of CAESARII4.5 Dear Mr.:
There is a bug in the CEASEARII4.5: using the Neutral File Generator
[Tools->External Interface->Neutral File].
When the file of *.cii contains Tee type 6 [Extruded], it can not
generate the right file of *._a from *.cii.
When we transform the file of Zhul_1.cii, the "Crotch R" of the SIFs/Tees
of the nodes 301 and 302 is right, but the The "Crotch R" of the SIFs/Tees
of the nodes 303 and 304 is error:
the value of nodes 303 and 304 are 1.543cm in *.cii, but the relative value
change into NULL in *._a, as being imported from *.cii.
The auxiliary file contain 301.gif,302.gif,303.gif,304.gif and zhul_1.cii files.
Yours Sincerely.
Kuang Zhufang
UESoft Co.
May.26 2005
http://www.uesoft.com Email:uesoft@163.com |